Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Relative Pronoun (possessive, personal)

Relative Pronouns

The relative pronouns (who/whoever/which/that) relate groups of words to nouns or other pronouns (The student who studies hardest usually does the best.). The word who connects or relates the subject, student, to the verb within the dependent clause (studies). Choosing correctly between which and that and between who and whom leads to what are probably the most Frequently Asked Questions about English grammar. For help with which/that, refer to the Notorious Confusables article on those words (including the hyperlink to Michael Quinion's article on this usage and the links to relevant quizzes). Generally, we use "which" to introduce clauses that are parenthetical in nature (i.e., that can be removed from the sentence without changing the essential meaning of the sentence). For that reason, a "which clause" is often set off with a comma or a pair of commas. "That clauses," on the other hand, are usually deemed indispensable for the meaning of a sentence and are not set off with commas. The pronoun which refers to things; who (and its forms) refers to people; that usually refers to things, but it can also refer to people in a general kind of way. For help with who/whom refer to the section on Consistency. We also recommend that you take the quizzes on the use of who and whom at the end of that section.

The expanded form of the relative pronouns — whoever, whomever, whatever — are known as indefinite relative pronouns. A couple of sample sentences should suffice to demonstrate why they are called "indefinite":
  • The coach will select whomever he pleases.
  • He seemed to say whatever came to mind.
  • Whoever crosses this line first will win the race.
What is often an indefinite relative pronoun:
  • She will tell you what you need to know.
sumber :

Relative clauses

Relative Clause adalah bagian dari kalimat (anak kalimat) yang memberi keterangan pada orang atau benda yang mendahuluinya. Istilah Relative Clause sama dengan Adjective Clause. Disebut Adjective Clause karena dia menerangkan benda atau orang yang mendahuluinya. Disebut Relative Clause karena dia menghubungkan (me-relate) benda atau orang tersebut dengan frasa di belakangnya. Relative Clause diawali dengan kata penghubung who, whom, whose, which, that, dengan fungsi sebagai berikut

Who: menerangkan orang sebagai subject
Whom: menerangkan kan orang sebagai object (menggantikan me, you, us, him, her,
them, it)
Whose:menerangkan orang sebagai pemilik (menggantikan my, your, our, his, her, their,
Which: menerangkan benda sebagai subject maupun object
That menerangkan orang atau benda baik sebagai subject maupun object

contoh :

1. The farmer was away on holiday. I wanted to see him.
The farmer whom I wanted to see was away on holiday. (objek)
2. The woman asked me. Her bike was lost.
The woman whose bike was lost asked me. (pemilik)
3. The fisherman gave us some tunas. He caught a lot of tunas.
The fisherman who caught a lot of tunas gave us some. (subjek)

sumber :

Senin, 30 April 2012


Passive voice
kalimat aktif menekankan subjek kalimat dari pada objek sedangkan kalimat pasif lebih menekankan objek kalimat daripada subjek kalimat sehingga objek kalimat ini kemudian ditaruh di awal kalimat. dengan demikian bentuk kata kerjanya berubah menjadi pasif.

Kalimat pasif dibuat dengan kata kerja “to be” dan kata kerja bentuk ke-3. Berikut beberapa tenses bahasa Inggris utama yang digunakan dalam passive voice.

Untuk menyatakan apa penyebab sebuah tindakan pasif, kita bisa menggunakan by. Contoh:
  • This photo was taken by my friend.
  • I was given this by my brother.
Seringkali tidak diperlukan untuk menyatakan penyebab tindakan pasif, khususnya jika dipahami dengan jelas atau tidak relevan. Sebagai contoh:
  • The meeting was cancelled (pertemuan itu dibatalkan). (Informasi penting yang ingin disampaikan adalah pembatalan pertemuan, bukan siapa yang membatalkannya.)
  • These boots were made in Italy (sepatu-sepatu boot ini dibuat di Italia). (Informasi yang penting dalam kalimat ini adalah bahwa sepatu-sepatu tersebut dibuat di Italia, bukan siapa yang membuatnya).
Ketika berbicara tentang kelahiran orang tertentu atau suatu peristiwa, kita menggunakan bentuk pasif “to be born”. Contoh:
  • I was born in Iran.
  • The twins were born just last year.
Get bisa digunakan menggantikan to be pada situasi dimana sesuatu terjadi. Contoh:
- Our flight got cancelled = Our flight was cancelled.
- I got paid today = I was paid today.
Get tidak bisa digunakan pada situasi-situasi umum dan apabila bersama dengan kata kerja yang menyatakan keadaan (bukan tindakan). Contoh:
- He is liked by a lot of people. - Benar
- He gets liked by a lot of people. - Tidak benar
- She is known to be a hard-working employee. - Benar
- She gets known to be a hard-working employee.- Tidak benar
Get digunakan lebih sering dalam bahasa Inggris informal.

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Rabu, 04 April 2012

Adverb and Adjective

Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda. Contoh:

She’s an excellent dancer.
I’ve got a new apartment.

Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Contoh:

- She learns quickly.
- You can speak English well.

Adjective (kata sifat)

Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:

This is a beautiful bird.
“This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar.

Kata sifat memberikan informasi seperti ukuran (kecil, besar), bentuk (bulat, persegi), warna (kuning, hijau), kebangsaan (Cina, Polandia), dan opini (baik, buruk).

Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:

She has a cute puppy.
She has three cute puppies.

Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).

Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:

I’m really happy today.
She’s got a new job so she feels great.
You look wonderful!
This chicken tastes delicious.

Adverb (kata keterangan)

Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ly di belakang adjective. Contoh:

quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.

Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” ganti “-y” dengan “-i” dan tambahkan “-ly“. Contoh:

easy (adjective) - He thinks math is easy.
easily (adverb) - He can do math easily.
happy (adjective) - He’s a happy man.
happily (adverb) - He works happily every day.

Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-le” ganti “-le” dengan “-ly“. Contoh:

simple (adjective) - The teacher makes difficult things simple.
simply (adverb) - He teaches simply and clearly.

Beberapa adverb sama dengan adjective. Contoh:

He runs fast (adverb) - He’s a fast runner. (adjective)
He studies hard. (adverb) - It’s a hard life. (adjective)

Adverb untuk “good” adalah “well“. Contoh:

She’s a good pianist.
She plays the piano well.

Adverb juga bisa mengubah adjective dan adverb-adverb lainnya. Contoh:

That’s a good book.
That’s a very good book.
She’s a talented girl.
She’s an incredibly talented girl.
You’re right!
You’re absolutely right!

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Relative Clause

Relative Clause adalah bagian dari kalimat (anak kalimat) yang memberi keterangan pada orang atau benda yang mendahuluinya. Istilah Relative Clause sama dengan Adjective Clause. Disebut Adjective Clause karena dia menerangkan benda atau orang yang mendahuluinya. Disebut Relative Clause karena dia menghubungkan (me-relate) benda atau orang tersebut dengan frasa di belakangnya. Relative Clause diawali dengan kata penghubung who, whom, whose, which, that, dengan fungsi sebagai berikut

Who: menerangkan orang sebagai subject
Whom: menerangkan kan orang sebagai object (menggantikan me, you, us, him, her,
them, it)
Whose:menerangkan orang sebagai pemilik (menggantikan my, your, our, his, her, their,
Which: menerangkan benda sebagai subject maupun object
That menerangkan orang atau benda baik sebagai subject maupun object

contoh :

1. The farmer was away on holiday. I wanted to see him.
The farmer whom I wanted to see was away on holiday. (objek)
2. The woman asked me. Her bike was lost.
The woman whose bike was lost asked me. (pemilik)
3. The fisherman gave us some tunas. He caught a lot of tunas.
The fisherman who caught a lot of tunas gave us some. (subjek)

sumber :

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Letters of complaint by inserting the correct verb form and appropriate expressions

1)I will informing that complaints have been received about dogs dirtving the grounds and ground floor lobby. When I investigated , I discovered that the dogs belong to you. I also finding that they have been frightening the children playing in the estate. In view of this , I am sure you are keep your dogs on a leash when they are out in the grounds. To ensure clean premises, I am grateful if you taken them daily to the public park nearby.

2)When I have to write to you about the noise coming from your flat. Your neighbours has inform me that they have difficulties putting their young childern to bed, and with the examinations coming up, they worried that the older childern will not be able to concentrate.
I have you probably did not realize how sound does travel, particularly when the walls and ceiling are thin. If your children to play in the grounds in the afternoon or suggest to them that confine themselves to less boisterous games in the flat, especially at night.. I have co-operation.