Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Tips to use bus TRANSJAKARTA bus

Tips to use bus TRANSJAKARTA bus

1.Remember your corridor number and your destination. It will help you to take the right bus.

2.Remember your time when you waiting for the bus and how long your journey. It will help you to organize your time to you can’t late to go to your worked.

3.Write the number and the name of driver of that bus. So, when the bus is dangerous u can report to aqualified.

4.Change your bellongingis if you fell you lost something,you have to report to the officer. So, they car will to help you to find belongings.

5.If you don’t know where shelter you have turn and where you must transit,please ask to the officer

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Menyusus Surat

231 Blackmore street
NewYork , NY 200LL, LA

Ref : DT/NN?12

7 th May 1993

Messrs Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd
Cambridge Electronic Corporation
16 fifth Avenue Street
Los Angeles , LA

Dear Sirs
We have to remind you that your account for television ordered on 12 february has not yet been paid. Discount cannot be allowed.
You will remember that we went to some troble to meet your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delayit your payment.
A copy of the statement is enclosed , and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.

Your faithfully

Cambrideg electronic Corporation

Jonathan R Smith

Example of full block style letter

1385 Laurier Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V
March 20, 20xx
James Moore, Human Resources Manager
Global Market Incorporated
45 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1E5

Dear Mr. Moore:

This is semi-block letter format.

It too begins with the sender’s address, the date, the receiver’s name and address, and then the opening salutation. The difference between full-block and semi block is easy:
In full-block format, nothing is indented.
In semi-block format, the sender’s address, date and closing salutation are indented.
In semi-block format, it is also permissible to indent the paragraphs, but it is not necessary to do so.
If you have questions about this format, please email me.
